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Marketing Employers Networking Night

Marketing Employer Networking Night (MENN), organized by VP of Events Gabrielle Ada,  is UMD AMA’s largest event in the Spring for our members to connect with employers looking from many different industries. This event allowed marketing students to learn more about possible internships and full-time positions available. Also, MENN allows students to ask industry professionals questions about the positions available, their personal experiences, or their company.

The companies that came to visit were Lippincott, Smith Plus 1, Stanley Martin, Smith Office of Career Services (OCS), and Panda Exteriors. Additionally, AMA members have the opportunity to meet with Executive Board members to learn more about their positions and open positions for next semester. 

Why networking is important

  • Creates connections with professionals

  • They can help you and you can help them. Although networking can seem daunting, students have value to offer to professionals.

  •  Builds confidence when talking about a company, role, or experience

  • Creates a sense of comfort during interviews

  • Helps students learn about new opportunities available to them

  • Aids students in finding an internship or job

How to Network from Professionals

Chim Okoye from Panda Exterior’s advice for in-person networking was to try to have real conversations, make them comfortable, and try to make a real connection. Just try to keep it as normal as possible. For online networking he stated that online networking is very different from the real world, the more love you show online the more you get back. 

Ty Clifton, a Senior Recruiter from Stanley Martin, advises students to be open to networking with everyone. He thinks that students should not limit themselves to specific industry professionals but should expand their horizons by getting to know everyone because you never know who may help you in the future!

Rebecca Adler, a Marketing Intern for Smith OCS, discusses how working at Smith OCS helps her network within the business school. This role allows her to connect with students and the staff at OCS. One of her favorite perks is not having to schedule advising appointments and being able to easily ask for advice on coursework from staff. Additionally, she loves walking through the Van Munching Hall and seeing so many familiar faces!

Jordan Steiner and Felix Ringland from Lippincott say having a network helps you discover interests and aptitudes as well as get a sense of what a company's atmosphere is like. They both were able to get their jobs from networking with people at the Smith School of Business! Their advice when trying to network is to keep emails short and sweet. Put your specific question or goal into the message immediately, this makes it easier for the other person to respond. Everybody networks, don’t feel awkward!

Lian Kish, the representative from Smith Plus 1’s advice, was to take advantage of all relationships possible. She landed her first job through networking at the University of Connecticut which then gave her connections here in Maryland. Networking eased her transition when switching jobs and helped her professionally. 

In general, never hesitate to reach out and try to connect with employers. Researching a professional’s LinkedIn to see their experiences and draw connections or have questions before reaching out to them is helpful.

Additionally, when cold-emailing professionals ensure there are no mistakes in an email whether it is informational or grammatical because any mistakes can deter an employer from wanting to meet with you. Here is a link to a template to help you get started!


This event ends with delicious catering and more opportunities to network with employers and students. 


-Julia Mendel & Brenna Williams

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