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Current Members


Earn Points

Our points system is used to reward our AMAzing members for their work!


  • Complete event feedback form


  • Attend General Body meeting

  • Follow AMA on all social media


  • Community Service Event

  • Join:

    • RedBlack​

    • TerpThon

    • Mentorship Pod


  • Participate in AMA case competition

  • Attend UMC

  • Attend ICC

Membership Tiers

Membership tiers compiled points earned and equate them to recognition!


4+ points

  • Priority for director and leadership positions

  • Recognition on the AMA social media accounts


7+ points

  • All benefits of Bronze

  • Recognition in newsletter


10+ points

  • All benefits of Bronze and Silver

  • Awarded AMA t-shirt



Mentorship Pods

For the second year in a row, Mentorship Pods are back! UMD AMA members will get paired up as mentors and mentees. They will meet at a mentorship social and will be able to get to know each other throughout the semester. Mentees typically are freshman and sophomores, while mentees are juniors and seniors. Mentors will help mentees navigate not only AMA but also all other aspects of university life! Mentorship pods are a great way to make friends, get valuable advice, and connect with your AMA peers!


Members of the UMD AMA TerpThon team help raise money for the largest student-run philanthropic organization in the state of Maryland, and one of the largest student organizations at UMD. It is dedicated to raising funds and awareness for the patients, families, and staff at Children's National Hospital. Since 2010, Terp Thon has raised over $5.7 Million dollars which have funded thousands of art therapy programs, treatments, and valuable assets and machinery for the hospital. If members raise enough money, they will be invited to attend the 12 hour dance marathon!

RedBlack Consulting

RedBlack Consulting's mission is to enhance UMD AMA members' marketing capabilities through experiential learning, skills workshops, and collaboration within a professional setting. Through collaborations with local businesses and nonprofits, RedBlack members are exposed to a wide variety of business scenarios, allowing for great learning opportunities. 

In consulting teams of 3-5 members, RedBlack teams work alongside knowledgeable business owners in order to provide them with quality consulting work regarding any number of business goals. Creating thorough marketing plans, developing a social media presence from the ground up, and refining a businesses' search engine optimization are all examples of the kind of work done by our teams of skilled student consultants. 

RedBlack Consulting has a purpose to provide an AMAzing opportunity for AMA members to strengthen their marketing skills and apply those skills to solve unique world problems. Providing students with meaningful experiences that will allow them to thrive in their marketing careers is at the core of RedBlack Consulting. 
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