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Alexis Moses is a 2020 University of Maryland marketing graduate and current Event Manager at IBM. Moses joined AMA on Thursday to share how Smith prepared her for the workforce, her advice for college students, and what projects she's working on at IBM.

Moses attributes group projects and networking events at Smith to her professional success. She shares that group projects equipped her with the skills necessary to efficiently work on a team with others who have different specialties. Additionally, attending events at Smith helped her become comfortable networking with professionals, which helped her thrive at IBM and build a career she loves. Moses states that you're never going to know everything, and you have to learn how to speak up and ask for help, especially at a big company like IBM. She encourages students to be open to learning and never count themselves out of applying for a position due to lack of technical experience. It's your willingness to learn that ultimately gets you in the door.

Moses recommends students capitalize off the different digital points of contact the internet offers. When she was applying for an internship at IBM, she connected with current employees via LinkedIn and email to make herself a notable candidate. You never know who's going to be in what room or with which decision-maker, so take advantage of online resources like virtual coffee chats and social media.

As for her current work, Moses is working on a series of virtual boardroom events targeting C-suite level leaders where IBM subject matter experts identify their clients' business problems and offer them targeted IBM solutions. Additionally, she is on the planning committee for the Black business resource group's professional development squad. In this role, Moses coordinates events for Black IBM employees, such as Pass the Mic, where she interviews a Black executive at IBM to share his story with other Black IBM members.

AMA is exceedingly honored to host IBM representatives Alexis Moses (Event Manager) and Ashlee Cureton (Marketing Talent Strategy Coordinator), who shared valuable information with AMA members.

-Melanie Rojas


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